In life at every point of time you need money to fulfill your and your
family’s requirement, but what about when you would not be there to look
after your family.
Let’s take an example:
Akhil was living with his loving wife and two children. He was in
service and getting a salary of Rs 40000/- and other hidden income
(which one receive through the employment but that isn’t part of gross
wages). He was fulfilling his family’s requirements to the fullest and
enjoying every moment of their
lives. Unfortunately he expired at
age of 35. The surviving member did not have any source of income after
his death, but fortunately he had a Life Insurance Cover. So his wife
got the money (Sum Assured) from the insurance which she wisely
invested. The loss of her husband cannot be compensated but with the
money she got from the insurance company she was able to run her house
Mr. Bhaskar whose income and family circumstances were
the same as Mr. Akhil’s. Mr. Bhaskar expired at age of 35, but
unfortunately he did not have a Life Insurance Policy. So their
situation was completely opposite. His wife and children had to face a
lot of problems with no such income. They had compromise with the many
important things in life like studies, children’s marriage, their
health, standard of living etc.
The fact is, it's always a loss
which you suffer when you lose someone you love. But your emotional
struggles don't need to be compounded by financial difficulties. Life
insurance helps make sure that the people you care about will be
provided for financially, even if you're not there to care for them
In short Life Insurance is the way to keep your family independent with you and after you.